We depend on charitable donations to continue to serve and change the lives of foster and at-risk children in Gila County. All of our office overhead has been generously sponsored by Daniel Butters' Insurance Brokerage, so you can rest assured that YOUR donation is going directly to those who need it most-the at-risk children and families in Gila County.

NAZCA IS A PENDING 501(c)3. All donations can be backdated to become tax deductible upon IRS approval.
About Tax Credits:
Arizona Tax Credits
The state of Arizona provides five (5) individual tax credits, including the Qualifying Foster Care Charitable Organization Tax Credit ($1,051/$526), Qualifying Charitable Organization Tax Credit ($841/$421), Public/Charter School Tax Credit ($400/$200), Original Private School Tax Credit ($1,308/$655), Switcher -Overflow Plus Private School Tax Credit ($1,301/$652) and Military Family Relief Fund Tax Credit ($400/$200). These tax credits allow taxpayers to make charitable contributions and receive dollar-for-dollar reductions in their Arizona state tax liabilities. Note that these tax credits are independent, so taxpayers can take advantage of combining multiple tax credits on the same tax return. Taxpayers can also carry forward the tax benefits over five years.
Information on Charitable Donations:
Arizona filers can deduct their total charitable donations for the year on their state tax returns regardless of whether they take the standard deduction or itemize on their federal tax returns. Each of these tax credits reduce the amount of taxes owed. For every dollar donated, your taxes are reduced by a dollar. *Tax credits can only be applied to your income tax liability (what you owe), you cannot use more credits in a year than the income tax calculated on your return, however, you can carry forward unused credits for up to five years. These credits also enable individuals who have prepaid income taxes to the State of Arizona, either through payroll withholding or quarterly estimated taxes, to receive a refund of up to the full amount they prepaid. Meaning, if the individual's tax liability is reduced to zero, then the State of Arizona will refund 100% of the income taxes that were pre-paid during the year.
Learn more about tax credit donations at: https://azdor.gov/forms/tax-credits-forms/credit-contributions-qualifying-foster-care-charitable-organizations
LINK FOR DONATE NOW BUTTONS (We would like several across the website):